
Ocak, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Vegan Protein Is Easy! Here's How To Make 30 High Protein Vegan Dinners

  Vegan Protein Is Easy! Here's How To Make 30 High Protein Vegan Dinners   First of all, let me start by saying that there are many people who do not need to worry about getting enough protein — children, for example. I don't have any kids and therefore am not a good person to ask about this. What I do know is that my son eats a ton of plant-based foods and has never been deficient in protein. Most babies are born with an amazing ability to digest proteins found in breast milk and formula, therefore they don't need to be concerned about getting enough protein until they start eating solid food — usually between 12-18 months old (sometimes later). One of the absurd reasons why people give for not eating enough protein is that protein does not digest very well — this is not true. I've talked about how perfect digestion can be on other blogs, but suffice it to say that getting enough good quality protein in your diet is more than possible. The fact that you eat a pl...